Specialized Contents
Our content management team has many years of experience in editing and metadata validation on different themes: Films and Series, Sport, Music, Children’s Programming, and Information.
TV Metadata Aggregator

EPG | Electronic Programing Guide
Cinema Information | ShowTimes, premieres, storylines, reviews and trailers.
Newspaper and magazine daily covers.
Recommendations system| algorithms for programme recommendations.
Cast & Crew | biography, red carpet image and filmography.
EPG (Electronic Programing Guide)
We provide a daily update of the programming schedule, with a maximum interval of two hours between sending the schedule update and processing.
VOD (Video On Demand)
We process and enrich metadata of VOD (non-linear) content according to our customers’ platform specifications.
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Aggregation of metadata of the same content by language.
This solution enhances the search and visualization of content in the users’ preferred language.